Stop wasting money on digital projects if you aren’t prepared to promote them properly

Hear Hear! Food for thought for those who take easy for digital marketing agency 🙂

martha henson: blog

This is going to be a rant, because I’m cross, so, fair warning. First I’m going to tell an illustrative story, and then I’m going to make the case that a really large proportion of digital projects are TOTALLY WASTING THEIR TIME AND MONEY. Here goes.

ITV drop the ball (aka the money, the talent, and the joke)

In my pre-museum days, before I joined the Wellcome Trust, I worked on digital projects for TV at Kudos for the best part of 2007. You may or may not recall an ITV show from the following year with an interesting concept: it was a rather cheesy soap opera set in Cornwall with Jason Donovan and Martine McCutcheon called Echo Beach, which was followed in the schedules by a fictional comedy about the making of the Echo Beach, called Moving Wallpaper and starring Ben Miller. The whole thing was the brainchild of…

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